S16E9 - Fit 293 Best Biceps Exercises, Nutrition to Change Your Body, Take Action

Sculpt Your Arms and Change Your Body!

Learn the best two exercises for biceps to create shape and tone. How to sculpt your arms without bulk. Get the video visuals at my YouTube Channel Playlist Sculpted Arms. The difference between nutrition for weight loss and muscle gain. Which component are most important to see changes in your body. Motivation- Take Action! Several ways you can take action today to change your tomorrow. Comment on my YouTube videos for this episode or send me an email. Let me know what your most common fitness questions are and which one you'd want me to answer first! playlist link https://tinyurl.com/yk4hkm5h

YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/fitnessmakeover

Active Wear Shopify store https://fitgirldesigns.com/ fun designs for the gym!

PS I don't "doll it up" when I make videos, lol So excuse the post workout look!

Find out more at https://fit-girl-guide-podcast.pinecast.co

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S16E8 - Fit 292 Periodization, Nutrition Mistakes, Achievable Goals

Learn the key to motivation and consistent progress!

Episode Notes

This episode: Periodization-why it is key to results, motivation and continual progress in workouts and how to make your own periodization programs, two significant aspects of nutrition most people don’t fully understand, two goals you can achieve this week that will create healthy habits. If you use the same weight for biceps that you do for deadlifts, you have the wrong weight! Go to the website and calculate your 1RM so you can challenge your body to change! go here

Find out more at https://fit-girl-guide-podcast.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

S16E7 - Fit 291 Food Cravings, Affirmations, Strength Program

Be your best self!

Episode Notes

Rotator Cuff Videos Mentioned in this Episode: Fix Shoulder Pain-Rotator Cuff Exercises Best Tip for Shoulder Training

Find out more at https://fit-girl-guide-podcast.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

S16E6 - Fit 290 Proven Fat Loss Formula, Muscle Cramps, Combat Negative Beliefs

The ultimate fat loss program, how to deal with Muscle Cramps, Overcome 4 Types of Negative Self-Talk!

Episode Notes


In this episode: Training- a proven fat loss formula that is probably the opposite of what you think about fat loss including belly fat (volume and 5 truths video-do last)

Nutrition- summer heat can mean dehydration and muscle cramps here’s what you need to know!

Motivation combating negative beliefs-how to overcome 4 Types of negative self talk and stay motivated to exercise and eat right.

Find out more at https://fit-girl-guide-podcast.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

S16E5 - Fit 289 Exercises and WebMD, Fats For Fat Loss, Change Beliefs

Episode Notes

Why I disagree on Webmds choice of recommended exercises for those over 50. 4 reasons you need fats to lose fat and part 2 on beliefs with 3 steps to changing negative self talk.

Find out more at https://fit-girl-guide-podcast.pinecast.co

This podcast is powered by Pinecast.

S16E1 - Fit 284 Vital Exercises, Meal Components and Instant Body Changes

The only 3 exercises you need to change your body!

Episode Notes

The only 3 exercises you need, the three most vital meal components for fat loss and what you can do right now to change your body!

New! YouTube videos! All three podcast topics have videos on the YouTube channel in addition to the full episode with background visuals.

Channel @fitnessmakeover Check it out and subscribe, of course!

Only Three Exercises Video Click Here

Right Now Short Click Here

originally posted July 8, 2023

S15E16 - Fit 283 One Vital Exercise for Core, Balance and anyone over 40! Support Yourself! #1 Thanksgiving Mistake

Strengthen your core, improve balance and hike your metabolism with ONE EXERCISE. This exercise is vitally important for people over 40 to do regularly! Create a supportive mindset for yourself and silence your internal bully!

One exercise that strengthens core, improves balance and hikes your metabolism and is vitally important for people over 40 to do regularly; what you can do to create a supportive mindset for yourself and silence your internal bully; the #1 mistake made at Thanksgiving that makes you fat!

Find the videos mentioned in this episode and subscribe to my YouTube Channel: click here.

November 13, 2022: World Kindness Day
We each have the potential to improve each others’ lives through understanding and kindness.
The World Kindness Movement started World Kindness Day in 1998.

Be the example for people to model your behaviour online and in person. Help yourself by helping others! Pay it forward concept, karma.

November 14-18, 2022 is Anti-bullying week in the UK. The main focus is to show support and provide an open platform for youth to talk about any issues with bullying.

Similarities to the Strong and Powerful Community:
Celebrate what makes us all unique!
Reach out and show each other the support we need.
Like-minded community benefits everyone

Our biggest bully can be our own inner voice, aka self-talk! Mindset is a huge part of the Fitness Makeover Program and the biggest factor in reaching goals!

Did you guess the #1 Thanksgiving nutrition mistake??

Perfect gifts for your fitness friends: Motivation Apparel!

Check out the video at https://youtu.be/FhZ4PmWMZSo




16 seas 15

S15E15 - Fit 282: The secret body part that makes you metabolically flexible to burn fat all day long!

Learn what body part is the key to weight loss, how to use it, how to train it and how to maximize your efforts in the gym! Plus, the new fitness community!

How a body part you probably overlook, and under train, is the key to sustainable weight loss! Plus, how it can make your body metabolically flexible, which means your body can burn both fat and carbohydrates for energy.

Learn how to train this body part properly to get the full benefits of a faster metabolism and tighter midsection! I'll tell you what to do , how it should feel, sets, reps, everything you need to know about this amazing body part and all the things it can do for you!

I'll also update you on the new community I have been working on and the consolidation of my websites. Plus, how to get many of the custom programs and retired video workouts from my past sites!

You should also receive a coupon code for the new community! If you didn't, then sign up for the email list on the home page!

S15E14 - Fit 281 Fix Your Cravings with Just One of Six Essential Tools!

Food cravings can be a type of signal that your body is out of balance. This can cause overeating because the body attempts to find the nutrients by eating and compensating for poor nutrition with volume of food.

Fix your Cravings! Cravings: definition: intense uncontrollable desires for specific foods, stronger than normal hunger.

Cravings truth: may be indicators of nutritional deficiencies.
Many cravings are from your body lacking a nutrient or several nutrients. This can cause overeating because the body attempts to find the nutrients by eating and compensating for poor nutrition with volume of food.

Food cravings can be a type of signal that your body is out of balance. Other times it can be the power of suggestion such as smell, sight or someone telling you about a food experience.

Cravings can be caused by other factors such as hormone imbalance, unstable emotions, or pregnancy but this episode discusses when cravings are a signal that your body is missing something, and has a nutritional deficiency.

I'm going to give you Two Easy Fixes for cravings plus three supplements that help with craving control!

Easy Fix #1 Analyze your food logs.
Keep a true food journal that only you see, but make sure you see it. If you’ve never done a completely honest food journal, you’ll probably be surprised at your numbers, but especially your carb intake. Click here to download a sample food log page: Fit 281 FoodJournal

Don’t feel ashamed or guilty. This is raw data you need to solve a problem. Cravings can be a biological drive for carb-filled foods or other nutrients you need. Once you’ve got the data, identify low-sugar carbs that are acceptable substitutes for higher carb foods.

Once you have a tracker and can review what you are eating and what times, then you can analyze and figure out what is going on.

Look for missed meals and missed components (which cause unbalanced meals). Feedings should be every 3-5 hours with main meals 4-6 hours apart (ie breakfast-snack-lunch-snack-dinner-snack).

There are three common is patterns you'll find
1. missing meals
2. missing a major component in a meal: didn’t have any protein or carb or fats
3. Not enough food to support your activity

All of these things will add up. You might not feel a huge difference during that exact day, but if that pattern continues and you are lacking enough carbohydrates, enough fat, missed meals or components in each meal, for example maybe you didn't have any vegetables today, or may be you are not drinking enough water, all of these things can add up day after day and make a huge impact on how you feel-physically and mentally.

Physically you can feel bloaty, low energy, fatigued; mentally-you feel cranky, sluggish, unfocused. The mental aspect of what food does for you is one of the most underrated factors in motivation. keeping your head sharp, making your body feel good, making you feel good, even dictating your disposition or attitude, mo stly comes from your you food intake keeping your blood sugar levels even.

When you have cravings you have to do some investigation of what you may have done the last several days and what may be missing from your food plan. This is where the food log is very important to a successful fitness plan and especially for weight loss.

Easy Fix #2 Hydration
Hydration is the easiest, most effective, practical method to reduce food cravings. Water is essential for metabolizing glucose (in the form of glycogen) into usable energy, so when the body is dehydrated, it craves sugar to replenish what it perceives to be insufficient glycogen stores.

Staying hydrated allows your body to metabolize the glycogen that’s already in your system more efficiently. In doing this, it can cut off the craving before they develop.

Three supplements that help with craving control! **Check with your physician or doctor before adding supplements to your diet.

Supplement #1 Glutamine
Glutamine is an essential amino acid plays many different roles in your body such as Immune system, workout & stress recovery and muscle growth. Glutamine helps speed up and improves the recovery processes that your body goes through after an intense workout. Glutamine for muscle growth will boost your health, decrease recovery time and reduce infections.<iframe style="width: 120px; height: 240px; float: right;" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&OneJS=1&Operation=GetAdHtml&MarketPlace=US&source=ss&ref=as_ss_li_til&ad_type=product_link&tracking_id=fitnessmakeover-20&language=en_US&marketplace=amazon&region=US&placement=B00024CSPY&asins=B00024CSPY&linkId=8c0f5a8cd2d9bceaa400973a6dfed9a4&show_border=true&link_opens_in_new_window=true" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" sandbox="allow-popups allow-scripts allow-modals allow-forms allow-same-origin"></iframe>

Glutamine improves your intestinal health, which is part of the immune system. Glutamine can help prevent leaky gut problems.

Glutamine can help curb carb cravings and eliminate obsessive thoughts about food since the brain uses Glutamine as an energy source.

How to use: Take 1 to 2 grams of Glutamine in water before meals to reduce overall carb intake.

Supplement #2: Magnesium
Magnesium is the nutrient of insulin sensitivity. Poor insulin health leads to the blood sugar rollercoaster, often triggering intense carb cravings, crankiness and low energy.

Magnesium deficiency causes cravings for chocolate, nuts and beans. Better choices for these cravings are nuts, fruits, seeds and avocado.

How to use: For healthy athletes with a low Magnesium intake, 500 mg daily decreases post-exercise elevations in blood glucose and lowers muscle soreness.

Supplement #3 Chromium
Chromium affects blood sugar and low chromium leads to carb cravings. If you are craving sugary sweets, your blood sugar level is likely be out of control. Lack of Chromium causes fat to accumulate in your blood, leading to high triglyceride levels and increased risk of heart disease. Food sources of Chromium include meat, cheese, and some spices.

<iframe style="width: 120px; height: 240px; float: right;" src="//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&OneJS=1&Operation=GetAdHtml&MarketPlace=US&source=ss&ref=as_ss_li_til&ad_type=product_link&tracking_id=fitnessmakeover-20&language=en_US&marketplace=amazon&region=US&placement=B000LVMSUI&asins=B000LVMSUI&linkId=0bae29a895699ddc0d4cbac7e32907b2&show_border=true&link_opens_in_new_window=true" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" sandbox="allow-popups allow-scripts allow-modals allow-forms allow-same-origin"></iframe>
How to Use: 200 mcg Chromium, 1 to 3 times a day.

If you eat a balanced diet as taught in the fitness makeover you won't have cravings!

Exercise and Cravings
Stress can cause cravings and exercise or movement can help reduce them too. When we're busy or stressed or both, it's easy to find excuses to skip workouts. Instead, look for the opportunity to do a little bit of something different to keep your muscles active and strong. Your workouts don’t have to be perfect, they just have to move your body!

Physically, exercise secretes endorphins, making you feel better and re-focused on your goals while reducing cravings. when we're busy or stressed or both, it's easy to find excuses to skip workouts. Yet this is the time we need to prioritize workouts-and if it has to vary from your original plan because you are short on time, then fine-your workouts don’t have to be perfect, they just have to move your body!

Workouts should be about improving on something-weight, muscle feel, reps, control, focus and not every part of your workout is going to be better each time you workout. As long as something is improving then so are you.

Even if you can't get to the gym, do some knee lifts or go for a fast walk, or if watching tv make it a goal to do some activity during commercials-jumping jacks, squats, breathing exercises, crunches or push ups during commercials.

Motivation, Planning and Cravings
The way to control all of this is with time management and a little planning. Make sure you have things planned out! Plan your meals, if you don’t have them with you, then know what you need to eat and when you need to eat and where you are going to get it from and your exercise, know if you have time for full workout or part workout, any little bit is going to help, jumping jacks, crunches, pushes ups on the floor squats before you go to bed, just to get your body moving! Remind your body that it feels good when it moves! Use your time management to avoid procrastination or eliminate procrastination altogether because that is definitely a self induced stresser that doesn’t need to happen at all.

Make a pack with yourself to figure out WHY you have the craving first before acting on it.
Keep a simple checklist near by:

    1. What am I craving?
    2. Have my meals been on time….is my blood sugar low?
    3. Have my meals been balanced…is my blood sugar low?
    4. Do I need additional nutrients/supplementation…under stress or hard workouts
      did I miss a workout….too many missed + stress=not good!
    5. Is there a physiological need for this craving?
    6. Can I live without caving to this craving?

When you have cravings you have to do some investigation. Think before you act!

S15E13 - Fit 280: Tools to Eliminate Stress Eating

How to avoid common pitfalls that lead to weight gain during stressful times with four Tools to help end destructive behavior such as overeating and stress eating. Plus updates on the new Strong and Powerful Community and how you can access all the co...

Stress and food go hand in hand for several reasons. Food can cause stress and stress can cause you to crave food! This manifests itself in a few ways culminating in a vicious cycle that is almost impossible end, unless you use what you learn in todays podcast.

Here's How food and stress work together to ruin your fitness plan:
1. eating the wrong foods and lack of foods (skipping meals) can cause stress
2. stress can cause you to overeat or eat the wrong foods..vicious cycle
3. lack of good nutrients can cause you to have cravings and go back to #2

Don't worry, with the right mindset and tools I'm about to give you, you can break that cycle once and for all!

Stress is damaging on many levels and turning to food as a way to relieve stress is detrimental to your body and mindset. Here's what's happening when you use food as a way to fight stress:
1. you are masking the real issue
2. you are creating another stressor on yourself
3. you're creating a new problem

Tool #1 is the biggest one for reducing stress on your body!
Tool #2 opens your eyes to what's happening
Tool #3 deals with your motivation
Tool #4 creates new habits

Listen to the whole episode for details!

Link to video about Experiential avoidance, click here.

2007 Kira Langolf