S15E13 - Fit 280: Tools to Eliminate Stress Eating

How to avoid common pitfalls that lead to weight gain during stressful times with four Tools to help end destructive behavior such as overeating and stress eating. Plus updates on the new Strong and Powerful Community and how you can access all the co...

Stress and food go hand in hand for several reasons. Food can cause stress and stress can cause you to crave food! This manifests itself in a few ways culminating in a vicious cycle that is almost impossible end, unless you use what you learn in todays podcast.

Here's How food and stress work together to ruin your fitness plan:
1. eating the wrong foods and lack of foods (skipping meals) can cause stress
2. stress can cause you to overeat or eat the wrong foods..vicious cycle
3. lack of good nutrients can cause you to have cravings and go back to #2

Don't worry, with the right mindset and tools I'm about to give you, you can break that cycle once and for all!

Stress is damaging on many levels and turning to food as a way to relieve stress is detrimental to your body and mindset. Here's what's happening when you use food as a way to fight stress:
1. you are masking the real issue
2. you are creating another stressor on yourself
3. you're creating a new problem

Tool #1 is the biggest one for reducing stress on your body!
Tool #2 opens your eyes to what's happening
Tool #3 deals with your motivation
Tool #4 creates new habits

Listen to the whole episode for details!

Link to video about Experiential avoidance, click here.

S15E12 - Fit 279 Best Workout for Sculpt, Weight Loss, Why Revisited, Nutrition Habits

What is the best workout for sculpt, shape, weight loss and strength? Listen and find out all you need to know and what you need to do! If you need a plan, schedule coaching with me!

New Strong and Powerful Community News-Beta testers should have received an email from me with a link, 10 available Founder memberships, only a few remain! I'll be sending invites for Charter Memberships, which also have access to my full content library, if you have gotten emails from me in the past, you'll get an invite, if not then get to one of my sites and sign up! This new platform will be consolidating most of the sites, plus has a cool community so we can discuss topics and comment on courses and life in general.

This episode: Examples of deep "Why," the best workout for sculpt, shape, weight loss and strength-yes you can have it all! Nutrition daily healthy habits!

What do you really want and why do you want that?
What are you willing to do and what are you will to give up?
Know your true “why.” The deep down reason for doing something.

What is the best workout for sculpt, shape, weight loss and strength? There are several components that make the best workout. Listen and find out all you need to know and what you need to do! If you need a plan, schedule coaching with me!

Do you have one a nutrition plan? Is it an outline in your head or specific "go to" meal choices? Nutrition is all about forming new healthy habits!

Email me one nutrition healthy habit you do daily!
[email protected]

S15E11 - Fit 278 Nutrition Tips To Trim Your Body, Shoulder and Knee Fixes, Embrace Imperfection

The mission is to create a Strong and Powerful Community that brings awareness to the value and difference each person makes in this world. One that strengthens the mind as well as the body. Follow your own path and Embrace the beauty of imperfection!

Two easy Nutrition Tips to help trim your waistline, Two problem body parts that can easily be fixed with simple movements, Imperfection is perfection learn about the new Strong and Powerful Community!

You'll find the phrase "Mindful Fitness" applies to this episode. Each of the topics require some mindfulness, but don't worry, they are very easy! The nutrition tips can be applied right now to help you change your body and eating perceptions. Your shoulders and knees will thank you with less injuries and good function when you use what you learn in this episode! More news about the upcoming Strong and Powerful Community!

The mission is to create a Strong and Powerful community that brings awareness to the value and difference each person makes in this world. One that strengthens the mind as well as the body.

Strong and Powerful embraces the concept that we have infinite possibilities, mentally and physically, to grow, to learn, to heal and to help others.

S15E10 - Fit 277 Big Booty-Hip thrusts vs Squats, Protein bars, Change Negative Thoughts

Getting that round booty-which works better: Trendy Hip Thrusts or Squats? Comparing protein bars do they help with weight loss or not? Overcoming the obstacle of self-sabotage by changing your negative thoughts to a supportive inner dialogue. -

Getting that round booty-which works better: Trendy Hip Thrusts or Squats?
Comparing protein bars do they help with weight loss or not?
Overcoming the obstacle of self-sabotage by changing your negative thoughts to a supportive inner dialogue.

If you didn't get an email from me about testing the new community before it launches and would like to, please enter your email in the middle of the podcast home page to get the information.

We identified negative self-talk aka limiting beliefs, we challenged them and proved they were not true, now is time to change them!! Details in this episode.

Summary of Steps:
1. Write positive present tense statements, I am…..
2. Write action steps I (do)….I take 5 min every morning or after work or everyday at 5pm…
3. Download the worksheet here for this episode and do it! Fit 277 Podcast Worksheet

Comparing "protein bars" according to information found on https://www.consumeraffairs.com/health/best-protein-bars.html these "best for" choices are not my personal opinion, and I do not agree with this site in its statement that "Most people need about 50 – 70 grams of protein each day, and people trying to gain muscle mass require even more." My professional opinion is that people need 100-150 grams depending on their size, lean muscle and other factors.
1. Nutrisystem Double Chocolate Caramel Bars-Best Tasting
2. WW Snickerdoodle Baked-Best for Weight loss
3. IQ Bar Peanut Butter Chip-Best for women
4. Orgain Organic chocolate chip cookie dough

Here is my chart notes on these bars as discussed in the episode. Sorry, it's not fancy.
Fit 277 protein bar comparison chart

New things learned:
Erythritol and Lion's Mane

Found some good info here: https://cheatdaydesign.com/protein-bar-comparison/

Best booty exercise squats vs hip thrusters

Study details:
Who: 22 well-trained women followed a 12 week program
What: Before the study started-Assessments: 1RM on both back squats and hip thrusts and measured the thickness of quads and glutes.
How: Half did hip thrusts and Half did conventional squats (below parallel, aka squat to 140-degrees)

Program: 6 sets to momentary failure, 4 phases repeated 3 times (12 wks)
On weeks 1, 5, and 9, 12-15 reps 30 to 60 seconds of rest between sets.
On weeks 2, 6, and 10, 4-6 reps 3 to 4 minutes of rest between sets.
On weeks 3, 7, and 11, 10-12 reps 1 to 2 minutes of rest between sets.
On weeks, 4, 8, and 12, 6 to 8 reps 2 to 3 minutes of rest between sets.

Results after 12 weeks: Assessments repeated. Findings:
Both groups exhibited growth in their quads and glutes, but……
SQUATS led to more than DOUBLE the GLUTE GROWTH and about 6 times more quad growth than the hip thrusts.
Squats improved 1RM back squat AND 1RM hip thrust strength, but doing the hip thrust only improved hip thrust 1RM strength.

In other words, hip-thrust strength doesn't to carry over to squat strength, but squat strength does carry over to hip thrust.

Conclusions: Back Squat (multi-joint exercise) is better than hip thrust (single joint exercise) for glute building and strength overall.

If you want to change your body then do squats! You'll get better booty, higher metabolism, greater after burn and work your entire body! Squats rule!

S15E9 - Fit 276 Power Training At Home, Challenge Your Self-Talk, Weird Foods

How to you make power movements out of nothing? Get the benefits of power training without weights or machines. Step 2 Self-Talk: Challenge it! Learn how to challenge your negative self-talk until it is invalid! Have you heard of these two odd foods?

Training-How to get the benefits of power training without weights or machines. How to you make power movements out of nothing? Find out in this episode!
Some exercises discussed-Low impact-front lunges, squats power up/explosive, push up, wall push ups, band rows, plank with toe taps, !-arm pushup/chest press
Medium to high impact: jumps, plyometric lunges, broad jump, plank jacks
At the gym: barbell explosive-push press, row power, ball slams and throws, push press, bench, squats, sandbag throw and catch.

Motivation-Step 2 Self-Talk: Challenge it! Listen to how a challenged self-talk is broken down to being invalid! Strengthen your motivation and self-esteem by challenging your self talk and prove to your subconscious that it is not true! Find your deep rooted "why" to tap into your motivation!

Nutrition-Weird foods I never heard of until the internet!

Green Banana flour and Lupini Beans. Have you heard of these? Have you ever tried them? Let me know!!


Click here (Right Click save as) to download Challenge Self-Talk Worksheets.

S15E8 - Fit 275 Weights for Weight Loss, UnHealthy Healthy Foods, Steps to Overcome Self-Sabotage

Learn why weight training is better than cardio for weight loss and what you need to do in your workouts to maximize fat loss! Find out which "Healthy" foods that can make you gain weight and what you need to look for when making food choices!

Why weight training is better than cardio for weight loss and what you need to do! Healthy foods that can make you gain weight! Take the next steps to empower your mindset, stay motivated and overcome self-sabotage!

Check out the 28-Day Body-Mind Makeover, the updated version of my popular Fitness Makeover-learn the steps to keep you motivated and focused, what to eat and workout with me online with three different on demand workouts!


Here's a few examples of seemingly healthy foods that may derail your weight loss plan and why:
Granola-just because ingredients are natural doesn't mean they are low in calorie. Ingredients like sugar, honey (also basically sugar), molasses (again sugar), butter are all totally natural. But, we know what too much sugar can do to your weight and to your energy levels. Another downside of granola is that a little bit of it is high in calories, so when you fill a bowl, its usually 2-3 or more servings not one. Check your servings size! Another food that is easy to use several servings of and not realize it is…

Low-fat salad dressings– I know, you think, wait, what can be wrong with those? Well, low fat doesn't mean low calorie. You may think it does, but consider this a two-tablespoon serving of Ken's Fat-Free Sun-Dried Tomato Vinaigrette has a shocking 14 grams of sugar—that's 5 grams more than you'd get in a fun-sized Snickers bar. (ok, so the fun size is pretty small, but still-you think vinaigrette-vinegar-can't be much wrong right?) Again you often have something that may be low in fat but high in sugars. Lets face it, fats taste good and sugars taste good, so if you remove one you have to compensate for the other.

Smoothies or green juice-of course, it depends what you put in them-if they have a lot of fruit, which makes them sweeter, then it'll add up to sugar! Without added protein and carbs or even some fats, your blood sugar levels will bounce and that causes your body to store fat.

Gluten free is similar to granola, in that it sounds like you should be able to eat alot, but you can't! “Free” of anything may not always be a good thing. Sure, gluten free is great if you have issues with it, but the substitute flour tends to have more calories, carbs, and sometimes more sugar than the regular version.

Now you know mindset makes the difference in weight loss and fitness success, just as in most other parts of life. You also know that your mind doesn't like change, but, in order for your body to change you need to train your mind to support what you want to achieve.

So, why is it that you keep finding yourself “unmotivated?” Which can also manifest itself as feeling lazy or unfocused, procrastinating, making excuses (I have no time, I don’t feel like it now, I have to finish this first, I’ll do it later/tomorrow/next time, etc.).

When this happens, you now know you are dealing with the subconscious mind. Your subconscious wants to protect you, and it will sabotage your conscious efforts to achieve your outcome. It does this because it believes its a scary place you're trying to go to, or not been to, is not safe and /or beneficial for you.

Ok so you may say, ya, I got the concept and I'm great at self sabotage- how do I make it stop or change it? There are a million therapies on this, but I'll share with you what I found to be helpful.

First you must list repeated negative self talk -If you can detect patterns in your recurring negative thoughts, it may lead you to the uncover the core beliefs that are producing them. If you ignore underlying issues such as unsupportive beliefs, those beliefs that are rooted deep down in the subconscious, then you'll stay in the same painful vicious cycle and continue to self sabotage. You must break this cycle and retrain your brain.

In the next few podcasts, I'm going to ask you to consider any negative self talk, write it down and then we're going to break it down to permanently change it! There Three-Four steps to stop self sabotage that we'll cover over next few podcasts. Each one on its own can help you make huge changes and all together can be life altering.

Here's the steps to stop self-sabotage:
Step 1 identify, challenge and change perceptions
Step 2 identify, challenge and change self-talk
Step 3 identify, challenge and change beliefs (limiting beliefs)
Step 3.5 (or 4) identify, challenge and change self-talk and beliefs with new supportive habits, that reinforce your goals and support you.

Step 1 Perceptions [In the episode I review each step with examples. Listen for the details!]
There are three areas that may impact your motivation:
1. Negative perceptions about the process of change (what it takes to get in shape)
2. Perceived downsides to being in shape (negative aspects you think will happen if you are in shape)
3. Perceived upsides to staying in shape (positive aspects you think will happen if you are in shape)

Homework! Your task is to download the worksheets or use a notebook or paper and jot down any recurring thoughts that are not positive and supportive so you will be ready for the next podcast! And/or can start working on change today!

Check out the one rep max calculator on the Info/Links page. I can help you determine what a "heavy weight" is or at least close to it. I found it to be on the lighter side.

For weight loss, go heavy then go home! And skip the cardio! Focus on training the Type II/fast twitch muscle fibers such as those in the power muscles like glutes, back and hamstrings. Use high-intensity strength training and explosive movements to produce power and force. These have the highest metabolic cost while you do them and long after you're done [ie the after burn].

These exercises increase in muscle tissue (not bulk) and play a huge role in regulating your body's metabolism and even effect remote or smaller muscle tissues. For example, when back is trained, so is the biceps and forearms and so on. Training the larger and/or Type II groups with heavy resistance has a trickle down effect that activates and benefits (ie-shape, tone) the smaller muscles.

If you're trying to lose weight, training your biceps wont do much for your metabolism or fat burning. On the other hand, deadlifts or rows will do much to impact your metabolism and lean muscle tissue while conditioning your biceps, forearms, shoulders, and core!

An added bonus is this type of Anaerobic Training, is that it produces less cortisol (unlike cardio) which translates into more Belly Fat Loss and lots of core.

Plus, as you age, there is a decline in lean muscle mass, if you don't work to maintain your muscles! Type 2 fibers contribute to the metabolism, so if you don’t keep them active, you lose them! This slows your metabolism slows and is partly responsible for age-related metabolic dysfunctions, and weight gain. Wait there's more… with a loss of muscle comes a loss of strength and flexibility which increases the risk of injuries like falls. It also slows the ability recover from even minor incidents.

Power training can consist of high and low impact movements. Lower impact, plyometric movements focus on power in speed dominant sports. The resistance you need to overcome is typically lower because you are moving fast. (fast/speedy power=olympic lifts and sprints)
High impact plyometric exercises focus on the opposite and require more resistance. Training includes drop jumps, jump squats, skater etc. (having speed with power moves).

Listen to the podcast for details on what exercises to do!

For permanent weight loss, you'll want to do more power, high-intensity, strength workouts and balance it with fewer endurance workouts. Focus on intensity, speed, and explosive force, not long and slow movements or reps. It's a different tempo than what you may be used to doing. Still controlled, but more like a one or two count lift and controlled on lowering but not the same tempo up and down. It's just another method to use in the cycles of your program. Not necessarily with every exercise in a workout. Using power as a warmup also helps with strength by firing the type 2 fibers. Try it, you'll see! The types of warmup exercises would be for 1-2 sets of 5-10 reps with things such as med ball throws, atlas stone slams, jumps.

If you need help with your program, schedule a weekly coaching session or more with me, it’s the fastest way to get to your goals!


Details on my development of Online Courses on Mindset, Nutrition and Makeovers. Plus Live Workshops. Get on my email newsletter list to get first notice! Click here for the sign up page.

S15E7 - Fit 274 Do this now to get closer to your goals!

How to overcome the biggest mistakes in weight loss! One thing you can do right now in each of fitness categories-training nutrition and motivation-to get closer to your goals.

How to overcome the biggest mistakes in weight loss! One thing you can do right now in each of fitness categories-training nutrition and motivation-to get closer to your goals.

Quick Updates:

  • The podcast is also on my YouTube channel. It is the same podcast audio, but with some inspiring artwork and videos in the background. Another way to keep you motivated!
  • You can listen to this podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio, Stitcher and most other major services.
  • If you are on the podcast newsletter list, then you received an email from me recently about the 28-day Body-Mind Makeover at a substantial savings, I mean a lot of savings! if you didn't get the email then get on the list at fitgirlpodcast.com, any of my other sites or click here for the sign up page. Details of the 28 day Body-Mind Makeover at the end of the show.

My recent observation, prediction and future topic:
In 10 years there will be a lot of people with shoulder issues and knee issues
Why? Smith machines!
There's two reasons for this:
1. Some clubs, its all they have, so I'll give you some pointers in a future episode on how to keep your shoulders and knees healthy if that is your situation
2. Some people only use Smith Machines even when barbells are available.

See also podcast episodes #253 and #135 for more on Smith Machines pros and cons (mostly cons).

In a future episode: how to workout if the smith machine is the only thing you can access for barbells and keep your knees and shoulders healthy and injury free!

Meanwhile, if it is all you have then make sure you do these rotator cuff exercises regularly!

The top 5 biggest mistakes in weight loss, did you think about which ones you may have made?

Here's my summary

    • #5 biggest mistake-wrong sources- ie doing the wrong (ineffective) things
      -you may do the wrong things, but if you have a plan you'll at least get somewhere
    • #4-consistency with #5 semi solved, you'll be more consistent with any plan good or not! Your goal should be to make it a habit rather than just a number on the scale or tape measure. Habits are things you repeat and they an be good or bad!
    • #3-cardio over weights for weight loss also falls into the plan category. Choose a program that focuses on strength training with challenging resistance.
    • #2- no plan-slightly solved by #3, 4, 5
      -Having some plan helps, but a specific plan for your goals and schedule, focusing on the most effective exercises would get you faster results. And you should get one that is designed for you, especially if you've been working on a goal for longer than 6 months and have not seen any changes. Sadly, most people have been working on their goal for years and not getting anywhere. I see it all the time at my gym, both male and female exercisers. At worst, have some plan, at best have a plan made for you and your goals.

Now, we come to the #1-mindset-not quite as easy to solve.
What goes on in your head? Do you support yourself with self-talk? Do you think things like…..I wish I had the time or i'll do that next week or I can't do that.

To change your body you have to change your mind!
Norman Vincent Peale said “Change your thoughts and you change your world.”

I'm going to share something you can do right now, in each of my three fitness categories-training nutrition and motivation that will help you get closer to your goals right now!

Training-pick your days and/or times and places to exercise. Remind yourself that consistency is what counts and good health is the ultimate goal.

Nutrition-be obsessed with getting two servings of green veggies each day. It may take some planning but the nutrients will make you feel better mentally and physically, plus they help your body with metabolism, water loss and fat loss.

Mindset-write your mantra-that positive productive statement that brings you closer to what you want most! You can always use “I am strong and powerful!” its worked well for many of my clients and athletes! Say your mantra at least 3 times a day.

If you don't have the body you want right now, then you need to focus on mindset training!!! Leave your comfort zone!

Since almost every podcast episode I do has mindset training, go listen to previous episodes too! Listening with a new perspective may enable you to hear and apply some things you didn't get on the first listen!


Details on my development of Online Courses on Mindset, Nutrition and Makeovers. Plus Live Workshops. Get on my email newsletter list to get first notice! Click here for the sign up page.

S15E6 - Fit 273 The #1 Mistake in Weight Loss

Learn how this one thing can change your body and your life!

Learn how this one thing can change your body and your life!

S15E5 - Fit 272 Biggest Mistakes in Weight Loss Countdown: Mistake #2

Apply a few simple techniques to avoid the second mistake in the countdown of the 5 biggest mistakes in weight loss.

Apply a few simple techniques to avoid the second mistake in the countdown of the 5 biggest mistakes in weight loss.

S15E4 - Fit 271 The Third Biggest Mistake in Weight Loss

Doing too much of cardio, especially when trying to lose weight, can cause your body to hold on to fat! It can actually make you better at storing calories and less effective at burning calories.

Doing too much of cardio, especially when trying to lose weight, can cause your body to hold on to fat! It can actually make you better at storing calories and less effective at burning calories.
2007 Kira Langolf